Publications Report A new book, “Kobun’s Teaching on Platform Sutra” was completed. Printing cost: $9.23 per copy for 60 copies, covered by donation to Publications budget. Another project is the attempt to translate enough of Kobun’s thesis from Kyoto University to understand the main theme and also interpret the meaning of the diagram on page 64. It appears to have been drawn by Kobun, to represent mind activity both within and without the vow of the bodhisattva. This is an ongoing project, with the help of Saeko Ginestet. A new project is being undertaken by Nico Detourn to edit Kobun’s teaching on Dogen’s Tenzokyokan, Instructions for the Cook. Members of the Publications Committee are Judy Cosgrove, Joe Hall, Saeko Ginestet, Nico Detourn.